Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pope Disrespected by Agnostic College Student

Rebuttal to Oakland Post columnist, Katie Wolf

In response to the recent Perspectives column, “Pope wrongly condemns condoms,” by Katie Wolf who stands by her decision to call Pope Benedict XVI an “idiot”, I take serious offense to your choice of words on behalf of Catholics everywhere.

Why is that people tiptoe around the beliefs of Judaism and even radical Islam, but make no qualms about disrespecting the Catholic faith? Catholicism has been an acceptable punching bag for decades, specifically in a time of widespread social liberalism in the U.S.
Certainly radical Islam is far more worthy of a seething column topic, but it’s unlikely we’ll see one of those from you. You’d probably worry that you’d offend believers of Islam here on campus. However, because Catholics are not in the oppressed minority, they are consistently considered fair game.

The basis of your column is sound and reasonable. It’s true that staunch Catholics oppose birth control, a method of use that could save lives in Africa. It’s an issue, among others, that causes serious internal discourse within the religion.

That aside, it’s unnecessary and insensitive for you to degrade a man who has earned more than to be called an “idiot” by a flippant young woman who clearly can’t disagree with someone and respect their position of religious leadership at the same time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ayers Lucky: Protesters Don't Share His Violent Tactics

Despite the disapproval of many, 60s terrorist William Ayers graced Oakland University with his presence.

Protesters lined the lecture hall while holding signs demonstrating their distaste for Ayers attendance. With a full house, OU students Adrienne Kampman and Leah Lasota stood outside the room in disapproval of Ayers visit.

"I don't think Oakland University made a very wise choice," Lasota said.

Inside, Ayers was set to speak about education, but the conversation meandered frequently over to politics.

No matter. Ayers watched as pliable young college students continually nodded their heads as if in a brainwashed trance.

Appealing to the acceptance that young people so often crave, Ayers boasted, "I'm in the majority." He later added, "Chicago City Council agrees with me on handguns, the war in Iraq, gay rights and women's rights."

Cathy Shafran, broadcast journalism professor at OU, questioned Ayers about his days in the Weather Underground. On behalf of her students, who also attended the event, Shafran asked
Ayers about his protesting in the 60's and what he would do differently.

"We became dogmatic. Everybody in the movement got rigid in their thinking," Ayers said, "We were too busy talking to ourselves and living in the well-lighted prism of a single good idea."

Though a wise and reflective statement, a better answer may have been, "I wouldn't have used violence to protest and I wouldn't have put innocent people in harms way."

To Ayers credit, he didn't exhibit disdain for his adversaries who were present at the event. He respected the rights of protesters even though they were protesting him. It's doubtful, however, that he would've been so understanding if they had used a bomb to make their point as he had so many years ago.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Media Gives Obama Unlimited Outs

If only George W. had a fall guy when he was in office.

Where was Tim Geithner when Bush had to answer for the economic downward spiral? If we're being honest, Bush had Congress to blame for some of his political woes, but the media never pointed the blame in any other direction than directly at George Bush.

Obama's presidency is shaping up to be the media love fest we all anticipated. He can do absolutely no wrong. AIG gives out bonuses with the tax dollars of struggling Americans? Blame Geithner. He didn't tell Obama until after he found out on March 3....or was it March 10?

Ironically, Obama continues to support Geithner. He told Jay Leno that Geithner is doing an "outstanding job". Huh?

Obama knew about the AIG bonuses and if he didn't, he should have. If he wasn't trying to change the face of America in six months or less and hitting the campaign trail again (i.e. Leno, 60 Minutes and town hall meetings), perhaps he would've caught this.

It's time for Obama to get back to the White House, stop trying to charm the American people and start working for them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Taxpayers Send Obama to Leno

And that, Mr. Obama, is why no sitting president has ever gone on late night.

"It's like the Special Olympics or something," Obama quipped after Leno asked him about his bowling game. Naturally, the comment didn't go over well with the Special Olympics or parents of special needs children.

The very nature of the Tonight Show lends itself to heavily to a potential gaffe and President Obama fell right into that trap. The platform for American presidents has always been carefully orchestrated for a reason. The flippant and relaxed environment Obama put himself into was a pitfall he should've avoided.

Certainly a foolish, off-handed remark is something we've all made without much thought, but Obama isn't meant to be "one of the gang". We hired him to be something better and particularly during a time of crisis, Obama has no business yuckin' it up with Leno.

From coverage of the president working on his NCAA tournament bracket to his television appearances, Obama is undeniably overexposed. Photos of the president sitting at his desk in the Oval Office would be preferable to another segment of him talking about March Madness.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Democrats Never Will Shake the Napoleon Complex

What's with the obsession Democrats appear to have with the "leader" of the Republican Party? It's the focus of water cooler talk, uber-obnoxious banter between Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Joy Behar, and the focus of liberal news media coverage.
Democrats have the executive branch and the majority in the House. They do not need Republicans at this particular juncture. For the first time in a long time, Republicans should be considered a non-issue. So, why the excessive interest?

Here's a theory; Democrats are starting their smear campaign before the Obamas even have a chance to get completely settled in. Much to the chagrin of any good Republican, Democrats are trying their damnedest to tie the Party tightly to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

With respect to Limbaugh and Coulter for their successes in the entertainment industry, neither is a politician with the experience or power to lead the Republican Party.

Government power based on political party goes in peaks and valleys, as it has for decades. The Democratic Party is far from stable and strong. Perhaps they should get passed their inferiority complex and concentrate on the task at hand. They have far more to be concerned about, what with this earmark bill they've created, than wasting time concerning themselves with what the Republicans are doing to reconstruct their Party.