Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tears of Joy and... Sorrow

Inauguration day may be historic and significant for African Americans, but it will be a very sad day for one faction of America...the unborn.

"The first thing I'd do, as president, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do," Barack Obama stated at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event.

Really? With everything going on in the country, the first thing you'd do is make certain that a woman has every right America can offer her to murder her own child (or, if that makes you more comfortable, "evacuate her fetus")?

It isn't just that Obama is pro-choice. It's that he supports partial birth abortion and actually opposed the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act. This legislation was passed after Jill Stanek, an Illinois nurse, discovered live, aborted babies being placed in soiled utility rooms to await death following induced labor abortions. So disturbing is this practice that even Hillary Clinton supported the protection of infants born alive through failed abortion attempts.

Last year, Obama stood before a group of Planned Parenthood advocates, citing his two little girls as the reason for his presence. He claimed to want them to have the ability to "dream without limit, to achieve without constraint and to be absolutely free to seek their own happiness." Apparently, they can't do so without the right to have intercourse and later decide to kill their unborn child at will.

So, as tears of joy and pride are shed for the historic occasion slated for January, the cries of millions of babies will go unheard as he vows to silence them with every bit of power he has.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Packaged, Promoted and Poised to Preside

Democrats have Barack Obama pegged as America's savior and his wife, Michelle, as the next Jackie Onassis. Obama's campaign was possibly the most successful sales pitch to date. Never before has such a well-structured, solid, and powerful facade been built. The truth is...we don't know Barack Obama. Americans liked his slick appearance, cool performance, and her J. Crew getups. But, who are they?

Michelle was proud of America for “the first time” in her adult life as she campaigned for her husband. Barack refused to wear a flag pin or put his hand over his heart during the national anthem as reported by mainstream media.

These are the actions of the folks that will occupy our White House in January. Yet, the honor of our country took a back seat to this smooth talking salesman.

Well, he's all ours now.

I noticed he's sporting a pin these days and has figured out how to respect the flag during our national anthem. But, it's too soon for the parade. He's a man without a record or even much substance. He had one hell of a slogan, though. Here's hoping he loves and respects America as much as you and I do...even if it's only because he finally gets to lead it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Blame George Bush, Everyone Else Does

Come January 20, 2008, liberals will have to shop for someone new to blame for their economic woes, natural disasters, and hangnails. Since his inauguration in 2001, it seems George W. Bush has become become the perfect scapegoat for liberals and "independents" alike. President Bush may not have been perfect. His public speaking leaves much to be desired. But, the explanation for every problem over the past eight years is not George Bush.

Bush was handed two of the most difficult terms in recent history. Within nine months of his inauguration, he was forced to deal with September 11th, an attack that was years, not months, in the making. While still tangling with Islam extremists, Hurricane Katrina devastated the southern coast of the United States. While shock waves from Katrina started to dispel, the economy began to deteriorate. More recently, the mortgage crisis reared its ugly head. Never mind that Congress went Democrat in 2006 and has a lower approval rating than the president.

Uncharted territory presented itself over and over again during the Bush Administration. Like every administration, his was not without error, but liberals may be surprised when a money tree doesn't sprout up in their backyard come January 20th. Soon enough they may be faced with the truth that one man is neither responsible nor capable of destroying the United States all by himself.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not "Fair and Balanced," But Necessary

Fox News leans conservative. Okay, it's dripping with conservatism . If you watch Hannity and Colmes, you'll see that Hannity steals the show and Colmes gets stuffed in a dark corner. When he's allowed out to conduct an interview, he's treated like Elizabeth Hasselbeck on The View.

So what? Liberals have the backing of ABC, The Washington Post, MSNBC, The New York Times, CNN, and nearly every loud and obnoxious celebrity with a platform.

If we didn't have Fox News, we'd all be, well...Democrats. Without an opposing viewpoint and information that Fox News takes the time to research and report, I'd think that Democrats were superior and Republicans were wicked too.

A wise man once told me that most people want to hear "news" that supports their beliefs. While this is true, don't assume that watching CNN and reading the New York Times is going to give you the broad overview you seek.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time to Head Home and Brush Up, Sarah

Okay Sarah, it's time to head back to the "great state of Alaska" and tend to your duties as governor.
We've seen you on the Today Show, CNN, On the Record with Greta and Larry King Live. You are becoming dangerously close to overexposure. If you are interested in 2012, it's not going to happen by repeating the same material over and over...and over again for the next four years.

Using the same rhetoric from your stump speech at the Republican Governors Association and bringing out the ever famous "Joe the Plumber" and "Tito the Builder" must ceased and desist.

You are a fantastic woman; honest, strong, loyal and most importantly, untouched by Washington. That being said, it's time to brush up on national issues, educate yourself on foreign policy and the workings of the national economy, get back out there in 2012, and show 'em how it's done.

Until then, though, please don't pay a visit to Oprah.

A Sign of Things to Come

Alabama's fifth congressional district has voted Democratic for the past 18 years, putting Bud Cramer, an admirable politician, in office.
Cramer has finally stepped down to allow new blood into the position. His endorsement went to Parker Griffith, a doctor with an agenda for what else? Health care.
While his Republican opponent, Wayne Parker, recognized cracks in the current system, he offered tax breaks and deductions to allow health care recipients to purchase health care and have the freedom to choose which kind.
Griffith's plan is to make sure everyone has health care (though he fails to mention the "how " in this scenario) and, get this, he's supporting paying the tuition for med students who enter a specialty in need of doctors. A Democrat who gives handouts to people who will make hundreds of thousands of dollars annually! What kind of a Democrat does that? And, where's all the money going to come from to pay for insurance for 303,824,640 people? Well, Griffith better start thinking about the "how" because he's up to bat.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

How Can I Get My Likeness on a Gold Coin?

Okay, I'm willing to accept that the American people have spoken and perhaps they all know something I don't. Perhaps Obama will "change" the American economy and foreign policy for the better. But, are we jumping the gun a touch in creating commemorative coins to honor our 44th president? He hasn't actually done anything yet. He spent little time in the Senate. His record is nearing nonexistent. What are we glorifying?
His association with Reverend Wright is enough to raise some eyebrows. And, how about his terrorist friend, William Ayers? Lingering questions about Ayers were put to rest when he appeared on Good Morning America and confirmed that he is, indeed, a spawn of the devil. Notably, he didn't deny his relationship with Barack Obama.

But hey, let's give Obama the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was able to lie down with dogs and get up squeaky clean. All I'm asking is that you wait until Obama does something worth honoring before we start selling gold coins with his likeness on them.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hollywood and Tantrums Won't Turn Back Prop 8

Neither Ellen Degeneres nor Melissa Etheridge made much of an impact on California voters as they decided the fate of gay marriage. Perhaps it's because Americans are not so ignorant as to let out-of-touch celebrities decide the fate of the country. They needn't pat themselves on the back for Barack Obama's pending presidency either. Obama won in spite of celebrities and because of George Bush and a very poorly run McCain campaign.

Republicans are willing to accept an Obama victory and a federal government chock-full of Democrats. Voters opposed to proposal eight in California would do well to follow suit. The majority has spoken. If you throw yourself on the ground and begin kicking and flailing your still lost. It's called democracy. The government and the media can't help you anymore than they can help Republicans retain John McCain for president.