Saturday, November 15, 2008

How Can I Get My Likeness on a Gold Coin?

Okay, I'm willing to accept that the American people have spoken and perhaps they all know something I don't. Perhaps Obama will "change" the American economy and foreign policy for the better. But, are we jumping the gun a touch in creating commemorative coins to honor our 44th president? He hasn't actually done anything yet. He spent little time in the Senate. His record is nearing nonexistent. What are we glorifying?
His association with Reverend Wright is enough to raise some eyebrows. And, how about his terrorist friend, William Ayers? Lingering questions about Ayers were put to rest when he appeared on Good Morning America and confirmed that he is, indeed, a spawn of the devil. Notably, he didn't deny his relationship with Barack Obama.

But hey, let's give Obama the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was able to lie down with dogs and get up squeaky clean. All I'm asking is that you wait until Obama does something worth honoring before we start selling gold coins with his likeness on them.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. I haven't seen the anywhere. What is your source?

Kennedy is on a coin - what did he do?

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. I put links to shop for the commemorative coins in the blog entry. I hope you're just not making me do your Christmas shopping for you :-)

Well, I can't say I'm a Kennedy buff. I was born in '79, so it's not like George Bush where I'm familiar with his administration. the top of my head...The Cuban Missile Crisis. I would think he should get some props for that. That, and Kennedy actually has a record to speak of. Agree or disagree with the Kennedy Administration, he did actually do something.

Anonymous said...

Hah! Is this a real coin or some slick way for others to profit by selling me a dollar for $20?

Kennedy was the cause of the Cuban missle crisis. If he had supported his CIA the Bay of Pigs would have had an entirely different ending.

I think JFK ended up on a coin because he was bumped off (by the mafia for pissing off to many of the wrong people).

If you're going to blog on politics you probably need to brush up on your history! ;D

Anonymous said...

I don't claim to be a history buff, nor do I claim to be pro-Kennedy. All I'm claiming is that he has more right to be glorified than a man who has yet to even take office.
And, if you think Obama has more right to be put on a pedestal at this point in history than need to brush up on your common sense!!!

Anonymous said...

PS It's just a commemorative coin, but I'm sorry, I don't see why anyone would bestow him any honor before he's earned it.
You don't think it's silly that they've already whipped these coins up as though he's some kind of savior? Maybe he will be. Or, maybe he'll make it worse. The point is that we don't know yet.

Anonymous said...

This isn't about honoring someone. It is about free market forces attempting to profit on the back of someone else. It is merely an idea to make money off of some poor suckers that find value in something like this.

It is probably someone wealthy that got that way on the backs of others. I guess making and selling the coins will put a few people to work until things dry up and they get laid off!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I suppose what irked me was that he was just announced as the "president-elect" and people are creating cheesy gold coins and they have children singing songs about Obama. People are acting as though he's a hero.
So far, he's just a pretty face without substance.
Let's just wait and see if we should start the parades.