Monday, December 22, 2008

Who's the Real Fool?

While Sarah Palin was busy fending off reporters with infamous, often disprovable accusations, Joe Biden was able to skate through the entire election season with his provable gaffes attracting little attention.

Sarah Palin thought Africa was a country, not a continent. She didn't know the countries involved in the NAFTA agreement. Certainly you've heard these claims. Perhaps you've even heard the reports on Fox News. These claims are hearsay. You're never a complete idiot until you've been caught on tape.

Vice President-elect Joe Biden has provided an insurmountable amount of embarrassing blunders and it's doubtful that the average voter could rattle off a single one. Please, allow me to enlighten you.

While on the campaign trail in Missouri, Biden gave a respectful shout-out to State Senator Chuck Graham. "Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden said. Senator Chuck Graham was unable to oblige of course, being that he is handicapped and restricted to a wheelchair. Imagine what the press would've done with that had it been Palin.

While talking to an Indian-American supporter, Biden quipped, "You can not go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent." Way to be politically correct, Mr. Biden.

According to Biden, the number one job facing the middle class...a "3 letter word, J-O-B-S." And, you thought Sarah Palin was a moron.

"Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America," Biden stated at a campaign rally, "Quite frankly, it might've been a better pick then me." Perhaps so.

No politician is above error. But, let's face it...we eat what the media feeds us and, in 2008, they served up a plateful of Obama/Biden.

More Obama/Biden


Anonymous said...

The difference is that Biden is in and Palin is out. And now Palin is complaining that she didn't have a chance to do enough interviews? Give me a break! She botched the interviews she did do and refused assistance and practice to make them more polished. The truth is coming out from the campaign staff but everyone is smart enough to remain anonymous. Who knows when Palin will decide to send her state troopers after you!!

A flash in the pan, pretty girl trailer park trashie... she's just a hoot!

I say it's time to move on and see what Obama and Biden actually do when Bushie fades into the sunset. Then there might be something tangible to drone on about. Until then, Ms. Palin is a has been, old news, history.

Anonymous said...

You just proved a point I've been making for years: all politicians are idiots. All of them. Some more than others.

The republicans were idiots for selection Palin, McCain was for accepting her with one (or two?) meetings, Biden is just an old codger who did help Obama get elected but still a coot (or a hoot is you watched Boston Legal), the jury is out on Obama until he is in office.

IMO the vast majority of politicians are just in it for the power and don't care about anything else.

Anonymous said...

RE: Biden

It is time to see if Obama can act as a President. We can only hope.

Can we hope that the news media will ever report the news (rather than shape the news). We have to do more than hope -- we can only pray.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I think McCain would've been worse off had he picked a white, male, elitist.
Palin kept the Republican Party on the map. It's a credit to McCain/Palin that the race was that close considering the current state of the nation under a Republican executive branch.
I'm willing to see what Obama can do, but let's face it...the media crucified McCain/Palin.
I'm not annoyed with Biden for being an idiot. I'm annoyed at the media for not pointing it out as they did for Sarah Palin. I can't believe we let them have so much power.

Anonymous said...

Well I'll tell you this: McCain lost my vote when he pulled Palin out of his hat.

Palinb was an insult to intelligent women. I'm sure the republican party could have found a woman with a few qualifications. Two years as gov of a state smaller than most cities doesn't give anyone the executive experience needed.

I personaly found her an insult to my intelligance and that's the primary reason why the republicans lost my vote..

Anonymous said...

So, Obama with his limited experience was okay with you? I concede that Sarah was not ready. She wasn't the best person for the job. She deserves far more credit than the public gave her, though.

Luckily Obama is smart enough to surround himself with intelligent people, because I believe he's just as unprepared as Palin would've been.

Anonymous said...

Obama with his "limited experience" is head a shoulders above Palin.

I think Palin is right where she should be and has reached the limits of her political career. Gov of a tiny population in a distant state is perfect for her. Two years as exec of this state wasn't enough to go forward. Moreover, she was unwilling to take assistance and from everything I know I doubt seriously that she understood her short comings.

Reagan didn't have a great deal for experience although he was gov of a state that had 12% of ther national population. Alaska has only .2% (yest, that's 2 tenths of one percent) of the national population. Even Obama was senetor of a state that has over 4% of the nation's population. The thing Reagan had going for him is he understood his limitations, studied like a freak and sorounded himself with good people he trusted and listened to. Not so much Palin.

Obama has been successfully involved in politics for a number of years. Being a senetor placed him in the middle of national politics whereas gov or a small, distant state does not. He also has a law degree compared to a journalism degree which better prepared him for the task. And he is a deep thinker. He ran a very sharp campaign.

The republicans would have done better to have found a woman with the same position on gun cntrol, gay rights and abortion that Palin did but also was intelligent and prepared. And they might have received my vote as well.

And here you go: I wrote in Gore!

Anonymous said...

And apparently I can't spell on these stupid blogs!

Anonymous said...

Now children: play nice!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I made no mention of spelling errors...and I love and respect opposing viewpoints :-) Bring 'em on.
Let's not kid ourselves, though...Obama hasn't done much. He's been wishy washy as far as legislation goes and he hasn't been at that all that long. He started campaigning not long after he took his seat in the Senate.