Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pope Disrespected by Agnostic College Student

Rebuttal to Oakland Post columnist, Katie Wolf

In response to the recent Perspectives column, “Pope wrongly condemns condoms,” by Katie Wolf who stands by her decision to call Pope Benedict XVI an “idiot”, I take serious offense to your choice of words on behalf of Catholics everywhere.

Why is that people tiptoe around the beliefs of Judaism and even radical Islam, but make no qualms about disrespecting the Catholic faith? Catholicism has been an acceptable punching bag for decades, specifically in a time of widespread social liberalism in the U.S.
Certainly radical Islam is far more worthy of a seething column topic, but it’s unlikely we’ll see one of those from you. You’d probably worry that you’d offend believers of Islam here on campus. However, because Catholics are not in the oppressed minority, they are consistently considered fair game.

The basis of your column is sound and reasonable. It’s true that staunch Catholics oppose birth control, a method of use that could save lives in Africa. It’s an issue, among others, that causes serious internal discourse within the religion.

That aside, it’s unnecessary and insensitive for you to degrade a man who has earned more than to be called an “idiot” by a flippant young woman who clearly can’t disagree with someone and respect their position of religious leadership at the same time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ayers Lucky: Protesters Don't Share His Violent Tactics

Despite the disapproval of many, 60s terrorist William Ayers graced Oakland University with his presence.

Protesters lined the lecture hall while holding signs demonstrating their distaste for Ayers attendance. With a full house, OU students Adrienne Kampman and Leah Lasota stood outside the room in disapproval of Ayers visit.

"I don't think Oakland University made a very wise choice," Lasota said.

Inside, Ayers was set to speak about education, but the conversation meandered frequently over to politics.

No matter. Ayers watched as pliable young college students continually nodded their heads as if in a brainwashed trance.

Appealing to the acceptance that young people so often crave, Ayers boasted, "I'm in the majority." He later added, "Chicago City Council agrees with me on handguns, the war in Iraq, gay rights and women's rights."

Cathy Shafran, broadcast journalism professor at OU, questioned Ayers about his days in the Weather Underground. On behalf of her students, who also attended the event, Shafran asked
Ayers about his protesting in the 60's and what he would do differently.

"We became dogmatic. Everybody in the movement got rigid in their thinking," Ayers said, "We were too busy talking to ourselves and living in the well-lighted prism of a single good idea."

Though a wise and reflective statement, a better answer may have been, "I wouldn't have used violence to protest and I wouldn't have put innocent people in harms way."

To Ayers credit, he didn't exhibit disdain for his adversaries who were present at the event. He respected the rights of protesters even though they were protesting him. It's doubtful, however, that he would've been so understanding if they had used a bomb to make their point as he had so many years ago.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Media Gives Obama Unlimited Outs

If only George W. had a fall guy when he was in office.

Where was Tim Geithner when Bush had to answer for the economic downward spiral? If we're being honest, Bush had Congress to blame for some of his political woes, but the media never pointed the blame in any other direction than directly at George Bush.

Obama's presidency is shaping up to be the media love fest we all anticipated. He can do absolutely no wrong. AIG gives out bonuses with the tax dollars of struggling Americans? Blame Geithner. He didn't tell Obama until after he found out on March 3....or was it March 10?

Ironically, Obama continues to support Geithner. He told Jay Leno that Geithner is doing an "outstanding job". Huh?

Obama knew about the AIG bonuses and if he didn't, he should have. If he wasn't trying to change the face of America in six months or less and hitting the campaign trail again (i.e. Leno, 60 Minutes and town hall meetings), perhaps he would've caught this.

It's time for Obama to get back to the White House, stop trying to charm the American people and start working for them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Taxpayers Send Obama to Leno

And that, Mr. Obama, is why no sitting president has ever gone on late night.

"It's like the Special Olympics or something," Obama quipped after Leno asked him about his bowling game. Naturally, the comment didn't go over well with the Special Olympics or parents of special needs children.

The very nature of the Tonight Show lends itself to heavily to a potential gaffe and President Obama fell right into that trap. The platform for American presidents has always been carefully orchestrated for a reason. The flippant and relaxed environment Obama put himself into was a pitfall he should've avoided.

Certainly a foolish, off-handed remark is something we've all made without much thought, but Obama isn't meant to be "one of the gang". We hired him to be something better and particularly during a time of crisis, Obama has no business yuckin' it up with Leno.

From coverage of the president working on his NCAA tournament bracket to his television appearances, Obama is undeniably overexposed. Photos of the president sitting at his desk in the Oval Office would be preferable to another segment of him talking about March Madness.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Democrats Never Will Shake the Napoleon Complex

What's with the obsession Democrats appear to have with the "leader" of the Republican Party? It's the focus of water cooler talk, uber-obnoxious banter between Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Joy Behar, and the focus of liberal news media coverage.
Democrats have the executive branch and the majority in the House. They do not need Republicans at this particular juncture. For the first time in a long time, Republicans should be considered a non-issue. So, why the excessive interest?

Here's a theory; Democrats are starting their smear campaign before the Obamas even have a chance to get completely settled in. Much to the chagrin of any good Republican, Democrats are trying their damnedest to tie the Party tightly to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

With respect to Limbaugh and Coulter for their successes in the entertainment industry, neither is a politician with the experience or power to lead the Republican Party.

Government power based on political party goes in peaks and valleys, as it has for decades. The Democratic Party is far from stable and strong. Perhaps they should get passed their inferiority complex and concentrate on the task at hand. They have far more to be concerned about, what with this earmark bill they've created, than wasting time concerning themselves with what the Republicans are doing to reconstruct their Party.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama Offers Rights Based Only on Personal Agenda

In the midst of this financial mess and, what only can be described as a restructuring of the fundamental basis of America, Obama is taking away the rights of American health care professionals. Apparently, young women should have the right to decide the fate of their unborn (partially born) children, but health care workers shouldn't have the right to refuse to take part in the killings of babies, as ordered by their mothers.

Effective Jan 20, George W. Bush had ordered job protection for health care workers who opt not to treat patients as a result of their moral convictions. A little over a month later, with a plate that is overflowing, Obama piles this agenda on top of it.

Ironically, President Obama is in favor of federally funding international institutions who abort babies, but against funding domestic institutions who refuse them.

Let us be frank, there is no shortage of doctors, nurses and pharmacists who will gladly assist, consult and refer patients who want to kill their unborn. Coming from a president who stands by freedom of choice when it comes to murder, you'd think he could extend that same courtesy to citizens who choose to disagree with it and wish not to take part in assisting in it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Santelli vs. Socialism

Finally. Someone with a voice said exactly what champions of capitalism, and any American with a brain, is thinking.

The great, unflappable Obama just got flapped. Obama has been enjoying a very long honeymoon, with a willing and eager media in tow.

The silent sector of America that has spent the last eight years on the receiving end of an unforgiving media is applauding CNBC's Rick Santelli for his brave stance against "the great" Obama Administration.

"The government is promoting bad behavior," Santelli said.

You're preaching to the choir, Mr. Santelli.

Something like 92 percent of American homeowners are paying their mortgage. More importantly, those folks are struggling too. Responsible homeowners who made the decision to live within their means will continue to struggle without assistance.

You believe in socialism, "spreading the wealth", and equality for all Americans, President Obama? Picking and choosing who deserves better mortgages based on their own failures is not only unequal and unfair, but it is downright un-American.

"President Obama, are you listening?" Santelli shouted.

Well...are you?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't Hang Your Hopes On "Stimulus" Plan

Despite Barack Obama's promises, it appears as though it will be business as usual in Washington with one exception; the Democrats have run amok. Not only are we lacking in checks and balances, but the so-called "economic stimulus bill" was drawn up and signed faster than the media could keep up with its provisions.

Obama went from vowing to ban earmarks to supporting a bill that is riddled with them. It's the first of many promises Obama made as an up-and-coming politician who did not understand the politics of politics.

During the campaign, Americans were wooed by his inspiring rhetoric about change. Either Obama spouted promises simply to get elected or he really believed he could get things done like no one before him. Either way, it doesn't inspire much confidence now.

Included in the plan are $1,000 tax cuts for working couples, whether they earn enough money to pay income tax or not. This turns a "tax cut" into a welfare handout in some cases.

According to Republican Rep. Mike Pence, there are items in the bill that, perhaps, it could do without.

"In legislation before the Senate this week, $20 million for the removal of small to medium-sized fish passage barriers or $25 million to rehabilitate off-roading trails for ATVs is not going to put this economy back on track," Pence said. "And, it was exactly that kind of wasteful government spending that resulted in unanimous Republican opposition last week."

Most assuredly, America is in need of a plan and the basis of the economic stimulus plan was sound. However, thanks to Washington's typical quid pro quo style, the plan has snowballed into an out-of-control, monstrous spending plan. Looks like it's still "politics as usual" in Washington and, unfortunately, there's a rookie at the wheel.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Cracks Begin to Show

Barack Obama did say, "I screwed up," with regards to his original nominee for secretary of health and human services. He gets props for his honesty, but there appears to be a trend forming.

This will be the second (known) choice of Obama's who turned out to be shifty with their tax preparations. It's certainly odd that America's political elite can't seem to get their taxes paid properly. The middle class desperately struggles while the government attempts to formulate a plan to stimulate the economy for the middle class. Quite the conundrum.

Perhaps it would be of great service to America's economy if Obama's pals would do their part in abiding by laws that the middle and lower classes are expected to follow.

The wealthy have nothing to apologize for, in most cases. They've inherited, won, married into or actually earned their wealth. Either way, they shouldn't be denied, punished or balked at because they are more fortunate than others. What they should be is obligated to follow the tax laws, specifically when the economy and government is depending on their contribution.

While Obama's complete admission of fault for this blunder is commendable, it does bring up concerns about his credibility and judgement. More important than the person we choose as president are the experts he surrounds himself with.

The irony of a country in economic peril being run by Americans who cut corners, cheat and lie in order to evade properly contributing to this very country is disconcerting to say the least.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Media Uses Headlines As Political Platform

My, how the headlines have changed since that blessed day on January 20.

'Iraq election hailed as great success,' was splashed across the top of MSNBC's website on Saturday. This is not only newsworthy, but significant to Americans. The headline is neither misplaced nor overstated.

It is, however, strikingly bizarre following years of negative, downbeat stories by MSNBC regarding Iraq during the Bush years.

Also notable is the blurb toward the middle of their web page about a certain "George Obama", half brother to our very own Barack Obama. George Obama was arrested for alleged marijuana possession. This is a story worth mentioning. It was placed where it belonged and was given the proper amount of attention.

However, had this been George W. Bush, imagine how MSNBC would've placed these stories. The two would've been switched around and, under no circumstances, would the blurb regarding Iraq been titled, 'Iraq election hailed as great success'.

The media ought not to put themselves above the likes of slimy politicians. In many ways they hold the same imperious power and have the ability to set the tone for and persuade the thoughts and minds of their audience.

George W. Bush had an abysmal approval rating in part because of media outlets such as MSNBC and CNN . Americans have only the words of journalists with which to base their opinion.

True, Bush may not have been the most popular president regardless of coverage, but the mainstream media was on a witch hunt in their portrayal of Bush. They knew the power they had over their audience, they used and will continue to do so until we begin to see beyond their misuse of power.

Note: The word "Obama" appeared three times in 'Iraq election hailed as great success'. After years of dedication to spreading democracy, I'll let you guess how many times the word "Bush" appeared in that same article.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Has Hell and Washington DC Frozen Over?

It has happened. Barack Obama and I have found common ground.

No, it's not the economy, social issues, or foreign policy.
Malia and Sasha Obama enjoyed the day off when their private school in Washington DC was closed due to "inclement" weather.

"Can I make a comment that is unrelated to the economy very quickly?" Obama asked at a business gathering, "And it has to do with Washington. My children's school was canceled today. Because of, what? Some ice?"

This quite possibly is one of the strongest statements Barack Obama has made since he began his campaign for the presidency.

When asked if the president thought the people of DC were wimps, he replied, "I'm saying, when it comes to the weather, folks in Washington don't seem to be able to handle things."

If only Obama could've expressed such committed opinions throughout his campaign, it may have eased the minds of his skeptics.
As a resident of the great, snowy state of Michigan, we've grown accustomed to weathering snowstorms that continually pound the Midwest. I, too, scoff at districts that cancel classes when there is so much as a dusting of snow.

Mr. Obama, you have finally accomplished something. You have taken a position that has the ability to tick people off.

You were sketchy and rather quiet on the economy, gay marriage, abortion and the war....but darn it-you weren't afraid to take an unpopular stance on school closings.
Now, if we could just get you to use that strong rhetoric against terrorists...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Okay Mr. President, Let's Take Diplomacy For a Spin

It's quite a different approach, but President Obama made a plea to the Muslim community on Arabic cable television in an attempt to generate positive relations.

It finally becomes clear as to his motives for the hasty order to close Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay was a bargaining chip that he pointed to as proof that the U.S. is committed to backing down and playing nice.

Admittedly, asking nicely is not an approach the U.S. has yet taken with opponents of what MSNBC is now calling the "war on terror". Additionally, he assured listeners that his pledge to withdraw troops in Iraq would be kept.

"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama stated.

Perhaps there is no harm in testing this tactic. He has earned a chance to exercise his ideology. If Barack Obama can actually reason with adversaries of the U.S., he may be able to build support against terrorists and earn the praise that many Americans have prematurely given him.

However, if Obama's approach fails to reach opponents of U.S. principles and actions, our only hope is that he has a Plan B that includes defense and continued force, if necessary. Should he opt to back down, bring the troops home, and put 9/11 behind us, he may indeed be inviting further attacks on American soil.
-Courage is not the lack of fear but the
ability to face it- Lt. John B. Putnam Jr. (1921-1944)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

You Foot The Bill for International Abortions

True to his word, Obama has started his administration by taking funds from a financially strained nation and allocating it to abortion providers outside of the United States.

During his tenure, George Bush prohibited U.S. dollars from backing international clinics that provide assistance for any abortion services.

Naturally, Bush's actions took heat from Planned Parenthood and he defended himself, saying, "It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortion or actively promote abortion."

In less than a week, Obama overturned that ruling so that America's hard earned tax dollars could assist in the demise of the internationally unborn.

Though he does support abortion, Obama has consistently stated that his intention is to reduce the number of abortions. This order is a direct contradiction of that statement and all but guarantees that more babies will be tortured and die at the hands of doctors and financial backing of American taxpayers.

Remove the poignant sensitivity of this issue. During this time of financial uncertainty and job loss, the funding of international abortions takes money from the hands of out-of-work Americans and puts it in the hands of international executioners.

This action is more likely the first of many favors Obama must repay to organizations who offered financial support to his lucrative campaign.

The real question is, how many other organizations does Obama owe his victory to?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Courics Career Out Of Toilet, But Not Her Journalistic Integrity

Katie Couric ought to send Sarah Palin a fruit basket for putting her back on the map. Thanks to Palin, Couric has now landed the coveted first interview with Chesley Sullenberger, the hero pilot who landed a commercial plane in the Hudson River.

Previously, Couric had been painstakingly listening to the flushing of her career as it slowly, but surely, descended down the toilet. Couric left the Today Show in 2006 in pursuit of a more professional, buttoned-up gig on the CBS Evening News. She nabbed the honor of the nation's first solo female anchor, but quickly realized that her cutesy wit and charm was of better use on the kitschy morning show she'd anchored for 15 years.

With record low ratings at her new position, Couric was in desperate need of a boost and she got one in the form of an unrefined hockey mom who was spending most of her vice presidential campaign on the chopping block. Couric, a liberally biased journalist, realized that Palin was an easy target and could help her put her floundering career back on track.

Couric's ridiculous and useless line of questioning proved to be perfect fodder for the media, late night talk show hosts and even voters. Ironically, it is this interview that lifted Couric's bleak career out of desolation and she found a voice that viewers would actually listen to.

While the Palin interview was filled largely with cheap shots, Couric has Palin, and not her own skills, to thank for obtaining an interview that networks, including NBC, were chomping at the bit to get.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Protection for Terrorists, Privation for the Unborn

Pro-lifers lined the streets of Washington DC just two days after inauguration day. The annual "March for Life" event marks the anniversary of a decision that has led to the slaughtering of millions of unborn boys and girls. The emotionally charged issue began 36 years ago as a result of Roe v Wade and continues to be a hot button issue to this day.

Ironically, as Obama begins his presidency by working toward equality, respect, and fairness for terrorists, he does quite the opposite for the unfortunate souls conceived by mothers who consider their existence to be a nuisance.

"We are reminded that this decision not only protects women's health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters," Obama said. "I remain committed to protecting a woman's right to choose."

Obama's viewpoint bodes well for women and men who want to engage in intercourse without regard for repercussions, but comes as a blow to pro-life advocates, as well as the unborn.

Under an Obama Administration, you'd likely rather be a terrorist than an unwanted, innocent baby in your mother's womb.

Nevertheless, tens of thousands of pro-lifers came out to show their distaste for the practice of abortion. The highest man in the land may have center stage; he may be prepared to loosen the laws of abortion, but this is a sign to him that the unborn has a voice and his support for abortion will be met with a great deal of resistance.

Terrorists Vote Obama

He's made history. He's a beacon of hope to many and he's made one of his first orders of business to create fair conditions for suspected terrorists? That's right, Obama is working to ban some terrorist interrogation procedures and close Guantanamo Bay Prison.

While hardworking Americans lose their jobs at astonishing rates and house values drop at even more astonishing rates, catering to the rights of terrorists is something that could've been a little further down on his list.

The moment America lets its guard down with regards to terrorism, is the moment America opens itself up to further violence. It would be akin to coming up with lighter sentences for drunk drivers and then wondering why the rate of drunk driving skyrockets.

The death penalty is still legal in America. We still execute our own people for murdering one person, yet President Obama wants to make certain that terrorists are being treated with fairness and respect.

No average citizen actually knows what goes on in Guantanamo Bay Prison, but as uncertainty and fear continues to fill our nation, the last faction of people who should be protected at this time in our history are terrorists.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Circus Goes to Washington

There's no harm in a little overindulgence if it gives hope to people, but the masses are inflating this unremarkable man to the point of even his discomfort.

Certainly, all have noticed the rhetoric of Obama's speeches changing from "Yes We Can" to...."Whoa, let's hold on a minute." Obama himself is slowly attempting to bring Americans back down to reality.

Meanwhile, celebrities have set up camp. Oprah aired her special yesterday, debuting the beautiful "America's Song", written and performed by Hollywood celebrities who are completely out of touch with the average American.
Barack Obama is not Martin Luther King. He has not done anything spectacular yet, though he's already being hailed as the hero of our time.
In his inaugural speech this afternoon, don't be surprised to hear less "Yes We Can" and a bit more of the expectation lowering he's been spouting of late.

Obama deserves a chance to fix the economy, the health care system and unemployment. He's earned that. But he does not deserve the spectacle that has descended on Washington. Let's wait until he does more than demonstrate exceptional fundraising skills before we label him the next Abraham Lincoln.
That being said, well wishes go out to Barack Obama as he becomes the 44th president of the United States. Democrats and Republicans alike are counting on him, as well as the other branches of our government, to make good decisions for a country in turmoil.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Money Scandal in the Making

In an interesting turn of events, even the mainstream media can't help but report on the most recent blemish on Barack Obama's glorified pending office.

Timothy Geithner, Obama's pick to run the Treasury Department appears to have some difficulty keeping his own finances on the up and up. According to MSNBC, Geithner neglected to pay $34 thousand in taxes between 2001 and 2004.

Obama announced his choice for Geithner's position in November, but had investigated and discovered the issue. The issue was disclosed to senators on Dec. 5, however the problem is being chalked up to an unintentional error.

Not surprisingly, supporters of Geithner insist the mistake is common. however, some tax experts disagree.

Additionally, Geithner is being question about his housekeeper who he neglected to get an I-9 form from which verifies the legality of an immigrant employee to legally work in the U.S.

Yet again, Geithner claims not to have known that the housekeeper he employed in 2004 and 2005 didn't have the proper documentation. All things considered, perhaps he should've hired an American citizen. Following complaints of jobs being shipped overseas, his decision in hiring an illegal immigrant is particularly unsettling.

Certainly, Obama was bound to run into a few glitches in picking his cabinet. Finding honest and upstanding politicians to work with is a tall order for any president.

The irony of this particular misstep is that the man appointed to run the Treasury Department struggles to run his own household in accordance with the law.

It may be wise for Geithner to take a page from New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson's book and withdraw his name. With the amount of financial issues currently facing our country, hiring Geithner to run the Treasury Department would be like hiring Michael Jackson to run a daycare. Bad idea.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

One Last Potshot from “Independent” Applause Junkie

In typical Democratic fashion, they just won't let George W. Bush exit gracefully after he's experienced eight long years of some of the worst criticism in American presidential history.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., ("Independent" generally being a synonym for Democrat) has written a letter to the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery in regards to Bush's portrait and the verbiage accompanying it.

The text currently reads that Bush's time in office was "marked by a series of catastrophic event" including the "the attacks on September 11, 2001, that led to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Sanders is among many who vehemently disagree that the war is, in any way, related to the attacks of 9/11. He has gone so far as to request that the Smithsonian revise the text.

To disagree with the handling of the war following the invasion is one thing, but to boldly suggest that 9/11 was not the driving force behind sending our troops into the Middle East is pure ignorance.

Hillary Clinton and John Edwards voted to invade; even stating concerns that Saddam Hussein was a dangerous man who would likely provide terrorists the means to bring further harm to America.

Once the war became long, drawn out and unpopular; one by one, supporters of the invasion backpedalled in an attempt to appease their constituents.

Had terrorists originating from the Middle East not violently killed 2,752 Americans, it is unlikely that this war would've begun.

The axe Sanders has to grind with Bush is evident. What appears to be an issue of principle on the part of Sanders is really just one last shot at a president who worked hard to keep the same Americans safe who not only detest his administration, but the man himself.

It's plausible that Sanders is seeking a little publicity or is looking to jump on the "I hate George Bush" bandwagon one last time before inauguration day. However, there is nothing remarkable about Bush-bashing. It's just about the easiest and most palpable way to solicit applause.

No We Can't

Barack Obama is already retracting promises made on the campaign trail and he hasn't even made it to the Oval Office yet.

According to reports from MSNBC, Obama is recanting his promise to eliminate earmark spending in Congress. More than a week before he has the job, he is beginning to realize that he's not going to get his $800 billion stimulus plan without the use of earmarks.

He got a bit too big for his britches and believed he could have full domination over the United States. One faction he neglected to consider was a little problem called Congress. Checks and balances are exactly what protects the U.S. from a dictatorship. Unfortunately, it also makes it much more difficult to get things done without concessions.

Next up...the elimination of Guantanamo Bay. This too is a promise that Obama concedes may have been overly ambitious. While he doesn't approve of some of the tactics used to obtain information from terrorists, he admits that this promise is going to be much more difficult to carry out than originally thought.

President-elect Obama is about be ripped apart as, even his own supporters, attempt to collect following a year of financial and verbal support in 2008. Every person, PAC, and organization who contributed to the near $1 billion his campaign raised are all going to have their hand out. It appears as though it's starting to hit him that he cannot please everyone and only the mindless Obama disciples are going to continue chanting, "Yes we can" without asking "How can we?".

Friday, January 9, 2009

Palin Targeted with More Media Manipulation

"Palin attacks media over 'very scary' reporting". What a headline. This from MSNBC following the release of an excerpt of a documentary featuring Sarah Palin.

As they attempt to use journalistic word manipulation to make Palin sound foolish once again, they all but confirm her accusations. What Palin calls "very scary" is the fact that the reports from anonymous bloggers were taken as fact. As MSNBC did throughout 2008, they continue to spin Palin's words in a direction that suits their standpoint. MSNBC makes Fox News actually look "fair and balanced".

Perhaps she wasn't ready for the job. But, she was never given the proper platform or line of questioning that would allow voters to understand her views as well as her leadership abilities. When an individual is immediately put on the defense, it is near impossible for them to appear steady and confident.

Barack Obama fielded issue-based questions. Palin would've been required to study the encyclopedia, A to Z, to properly answer the questions directed at her during the campaign. Even more notable, Palin was a vice presidential candidate. She was asked the most difficult questions of Obama, John McCain and certainly, Joe Biden.

Palin was absolutely not prepared to take on the role as vice presidential candidate. Arguably, no one could've been prepared to cope with the shoddy reporting and backlash she experienced throughout 2008. Her abilities continued to be in question as the media persecuted her to the detriment of her candidacy.

The hope that Palin would return to Alaska and keep a low profile for a few years is obviously not a reality. She will unlikely be able to turn her image around with continued coverage from the very unfair and unbalanced mainstream media.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hugs for Obama, Hate for Coulter

While Barack Obama discussed college football with CNBC's John Harwood, Ann Coulter took a verbal beating from the journalists at NBC.

To his credit, Harwood did ask Obama about his tax plan for America, but let Obama wiggle out of answering a question about whether or not and when he would rescind Bush's tax cuts for the rich.

"I'm not prepared to make a hard and fast commitment," said Obama of a possible repeal. He seemed pretty committed to this issue on the campaign trail.

Admittedly, Coulter stirs up controversy whenever possible. She's out to sell books. Her actual conviction often falls into question due to her transparent, money-grubbing objectives. However, there is something strikingly peculiar about these interviews...Ann Coulter is an author. She's a shock jock. A hack, even. Barack Obama is two weeks from taking office as the President of the United States.

Still, journalists continue to throw him softball questions like "Do you think Utah would finish undefeated by defeating Alabama?".

The point is not that Coulter is forced to explain her controversial statements, but that Obama enjoys laid back, ineffectual interviews by even the most respected journalists.

Journalists are the job interviewers for the public. We can't all personally ask Obama the questions that would have helped us make an informed decision on a the proper candidate for the job. Unfortunately, the folks that we rely on to handle this task let us all down.

He was more fun to watch and charismatic...without question. But, journalists needed to apply the same interviewing tactics to Obama that they did to Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter.

Coulter made an excellent point in her interview with Lauer. It boiled down to the fact that the next four years may be a surprise to us because Obama was rarely forced to answer direct questions.

Moreover, with his infamous habit of voting "present", we certainly can't look at his history to determine our future.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A CIA Director Only An Enemy Could Love

Terrorists are no doubt rejoicing as Obama taps Leon Panetta, Bill Clinton's former chief of staff, to head up the CIA.

Thus far, Obama has been surprisingly conservative in choosing his staff members. Perhaps as a self-aware man, he realized that his facade is what Americans really bought on November 4.

At a closer glance, it becomes painfully obvious that Obama is not only inexperienced, but unsure. He has wisely surrounded himself with staff members who are experienced and more knowledgeable than he is...up to this point.

During a time of war, choosing a 70-year-old liberal to take charge of an agency that has the ability to determine the physical fate of the country may not have been the best decision. While Panetta has had access to intelligence in the past, he is lacking in any vocational experience in intelligence. He also opposes some methods of terrorist interrogations that have kept Americans safe during the years since 9/11.

The fact is, if ever we have needed a strong, experienced, no nonsense CIA's now.