Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hugs for Obama, Hate for Coulter

While Barack Obama discussed college football with CNBC's John Harwood, Ann Coulter took a verbal beating from the journalists at NBC.

To his credit, Harwood did ask Obama about his tax plan for America, but let Obama wiggle out of answering a question about whether or not and when he would rescind Bush's tax cuts for the rich.

"I'm not prepared to make a hard and fast commitment," said Obama of a possible repeal. He seemed pretty committed to this issue on the campaign trail.

Admittedly, Coulter stirs up controversy whenever possible. She's out to sell books. Her actual conviction often falls into question due to her transparent, money-grubbing objectives. However, there is something strikingly peculiar about these interviews...Ann Coulter is an author. She's a shock jock. A hack, even. Barack Obama is two weeks from taking office as the President of the United States.

Still, journalists continue to throw him softball questions like "Do you think Utah would finish undefeated by defeating Alabama?".

The point is not that Coulter is forced to explain her controversial statements, but that Obama enjoys laid back, ineffectual interviews by even the most respected journalists.

Journalists are the job interviewers for the public. We can't all personally ask Obama the questions that would have helped us make an informed decision on a the proper candidate for the job. Unfortunately, the folks that we rely on to handle this task let us all down.

He was more fun to watch and charismatic...without question. But, journalists needed to apply the same interviewing tactics to Obama that they did to Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter.

Coulter made an excellent point in her interview with Lauer. It boiled down to the fact that the next four years may be a surprise to us because Obama was rarely forced to answer direct questions.

Moreover, with his infamous habit of voting "present", we certainly can't look at his history to determine our future.


Anonymous said...

When Palin was being interviewed it was for a job. That's the time to be tough. Obama now has the job - but it isn't effective until January 20.

And don't compare interview tactics for the president-elect with Ann Coulter! But I agree with everything else you said about her.

Anonymous said...

The interviews were performed on the same day and I found it intriguing that an author fielded tougher questions than our future President.
I was compelled to compare the two and I am unapologetic about my decision.
Obama was being interviewed for a job. Sarah Palin was being interviewed for a job if McCain kicked the bucket. He should've been pinned down more on issues and forced to explain himself. Sarah Palin's interviews were quizzes, not issue-based questions.
Can you never see my point of view?? My must concede that you are not always right!

Anonymous said...

Look, I always see your point of view but often disagree. That is to be expected when you are very right leaning and I am more in the middle.

We are polar opposites when it comes to Bush, Chaney, Palin and choice (notice I said choice, not abortion). Guess I should add terrorism as well. We also think differently regarding the balance in capitalism.

I think that Rush and Coulter - and people like them - spew vitriol to encite people to spend money on them. So I guess I'd add Fox NEws to that group. I now watch very little news that is based on opinion and try to stick with news sources when they are actually presenting news and not opinion.

We are just very different and I believe your expectations from me on these key issues are unrealistic.

Anonymous said...

Hugs for Obama, huh?

Several miscellaneous stories out today that are all ironic:

First off is the news that Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher, better known as “Joe the Plumber”, has a new job. He is going to Israel as a war correspondent for the conservative web site Pajamas TV. If you feel you must ask how he is qualified for this job, remember that he isn’t really even a plumber.

Second, remember when Obama asked if he could move into Blair House two weeks early, so his children could start school? The Bush administration rebuffed him, saying that Blair House was already booked. Turns out that the only person staying in Blair house during those two weeks was invited after Obama asked. Do these people even know how to tell the truth?

Anonymous said...

The New York Daily News reports that Ann Coulter is under investigation by the Connecticut Elections Enforcement Commission for allegedly voting in that state while registered to vote in New York City.

Officials are responding to a formal complaint filed by blogger Dan Borchers. "For over 10 years, Ann Coulter has gotten away with illegal, immoral and unethical behavior, ranging from plagiarism to defamation, perjury to voter fraud," claims the conservative Borchers. Coulter declined to comment, but in the past has branded Borchers a stalker. He says the FBI has determined he poses no threat.
Coulter was investigated and cleared of wrongdoing in 2006 for allegedly violating Florida's voter registration laws by voting in the wrong precinct.

An official previously told the Daily News that they would investigate "if we received a complaint under oath."

So she voted in the wrong state twice now? What's her problem? Is it that she only knows how to trash talk but has no brains? No wonder there is hate for this woman!!!!