No, it's not the economy, social issues, or foreign policy.
Malia and Sasha Obama enjoyed the day off when their private school in Washington DC was closed due to "inclement" weather.
"Can I make a comment that is unrelated to the economy very quickly?" Obama asked at a business gathering, "And it has to do with Washington. My children's school was canceled today. Because of, what? Some ice?"
This quite possibly is one of the strongest statements Barack Obama has made since he began his campaign for the presidency.
When asked if the president thought the people of DC were wimps, he replied, "I'm saying, when it comes to the weather, folks in Washington don't seem to be able to handle things."
If only Obama could've expressed such committed opinions throughout his campaign, it may have eased the minds of his skeptics.
As a resident of the great, snowy state of Michigan, we've grown accustomed to weathering snowstorms that continually pound the Midwest. I, too, scoff at districts that cancel classes when there is so much as a dusting of snow.
Mr. Obama, you have finally accomplished something. You have taken a position that has the ability to tick people off.
You were sketchy and rather quiet on the economy, gay marriage, abortion and the war....but darn it-you weren't afraid to take an unpopular stance on school closings.
Now, if we could just get you to use that strong rhetoric against terrorists...