We've seen you on the Today Show, CNN, On the Record with Greta and Larry King Live. You are becoming dangerously close to overexposure. If you are interested in 2012, it's not going to happen by repeating the same material over and over...and over again for the next four years.
Using the same rhetoric from your stump speech at the Republican Governors Association and bringing out the ever famous "Joe the Plumber" and "Tito the Builder" must ceased and desist.
You are a fantastic woman; honest, strong, loyal and most importantly, untouched by Washington. That being said, it's time to brush up on national issues, educate yourself on foreign policy and the workings of the national economy, get back out there in 2012, and show 'em how it's done.
Until then, though, please don't pay a visit to Oprah.
I couldn't agree more: it's time Palin got out of the spotlight for a while. And she is strong, honest and loyal...for the most part. What she is not is intelligent.
Let’s take a look at these points in more detail. First, Palin would need to begin reading newspapers in order to actually tell people which newspapers she reads, so I can place that one in the honesty column. Loyalty definitely comes through in the way she supported her family – by trying to have a state trooper fired and when that didn’t work, firing the head of the state troopers. Strong because she lives in Alaska and places herself on the line by living so close to Russia, which you can actually see if you trek to the outer most reaches of the islands off the tip of Alaska.
Let’s face it, Palin was brought on to energize an extreme right leaning constituency that was disillusioned with McCain. If she would have studied a little, memorized a few lines and continued the way she did in her coming out party she might have done OK. Instead, she came off as bumbling and silly. This isn’t the person I want as number two in the white house. There are far too many intelligent women out there.
Unfortunately, the right leaning Republican Party has too much of a bible belt mentality that oppresses women and says they must be subservient to and obey their husbands. That means that most intelligent women will steer clear. And if the religious right runs the Republican white house I guess Todd would have really been the one pulling the strings for Sarah.
So please, go back to Alaska. It’s dark there for half the year so light a candle while you study – it worked for Lincoln.
Oh, I'm sorry, she is not stupid. I love the way liberals point out "troopergate", but when there's an actual concern like say, oh...a presidential candidate who chooses to pass time with hateful people who hate Americans, or at least Americans who serve them no purpose or disagree with their beliefs. I think we ought to be far more worried about that, then a vice presidential candidate who was possibly thrown into the deep end of the pool before she learned to swim.
I'd rather have a patriot in office than a man whose loyalties toward America I question.
See that's the thing. The pool is deep and it's filled with water I pay for and A LOT of dirty water I wish I didn't have to pay for. I don't want to see anyone tossed in the deep end of the pool without a little training. And when that pool is our nation, let's get real - they'd better know how to swim a marathon and then some.
On the job training is great for entry level positions but is over rated for jobs a step away from the most powerful on earth!
The original comment was spot on - it's time for Palin to brush up on things a little and stay in Alaska for a while.
Oh, and I never said she is stupid, she is just not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
"Bumbling and silly" "What she is not is intelligent"
That's calling someone stupid in my book!
That being said, I agree. She wasn't ready. But, she can be and hopefully will be come next election. She's a worthwhile candidate.
Politico -- Additional $30K was spent on Palin at many familiar stores: The Republican National Committee now reports it spent about $180,000 on clothes and accessories for vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and her family. The stores detailed in the RNC's new report about $30,000 of that total "read like a suburban shopping directory. Dick's Sporting Goods, The Limited, Foot Locker, Wal-Mart, Toys R Us and Victoria's Secret are all listed in between the expected payments for media buys, direct mail and polling. Major payments to big department stores and boutique clothing outlets also continued. Thousands of dollars in payments to Macy’s, Nieman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue -- all major recipients of RNC cash in early September as Palin upgraded her wardrobe for the campaign -- were made in October, too. In addition, hundreds of dollars were also spent at Brooks Brothers, the Gap, Express and J.C. Penney on clothes and accessories, apparently for other members of the vice presidential nominee’s family."
A related story by The Caucus blog at nytimes.com -- Palin's sylists were paid $110,000: "Gov. Sarah Palin’s traveling makeup artist was paid $68,400 and her hair stylist received more than $42,000 for roughly two months of work, according to a new campaign finance report filed with the Federal Election Commission."
I have to confess that I missed something until I watch an episode of the Bill Mahr show I missed.
I understand that princess Sarah thought Africa was a country. Can that be true? I mean, she can see Russia but can't name a newspaper she reads and actually knows so little about the world and fundamental geography that she would think a continent is a country?
I'm not sure there ie enough time left in the space-time continuum for poor Sarah to brush up on all she needs to learn.
Um, Bill Mahr. You do know he's not a news anchor, right? Those reports came out on Saturday Night Live and other like entertainment shows. She was asked about it and the person who said she said that wouldn't identify them self...and Sarah said it never happened. It would look more credible if the person came out publically with that info rather than throwing it out in the rumor mill.
Yeah, the difference between Bill Mahr and a news anchor is that Bill thinks while most news anchors are just news readers. Of course she would say it never happened...wouldn't you if you said something so idiotic?
But since you asked, this from Fox News:
According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked "a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency," in part because she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA, and she "didn't understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a series, a country just in itself."
Here's more:
She refused preparation help for her interview with Katie Couric and then blamed her staff, specifically Nicole Wallace, when the interview was panned as a disaster. After the Couric interview, Fox News reported, Palin turned nasty with her staff and began to accuse them of mishandling her. Palin would view press clippings of herself in the morning and throw "tantrums" over the negative coverage. There were times when she would be so nasty and angry that her staff was reduced to tears.
She refused preparation help for her interview with Katie Couric and then blamed her staff, specifically Nicole Wallace, when the interview was panned as a disaster. After the Couric interview, Fox News reported, Palin turned nasty with her staff and began to accuse them of mishandling her. Palin would view press clippings of herself in the morning and throw "tantrums" over the negative coverage. There were times when she would be so nasty and angry that her staff was reduced to tears.
Here is the link to a Fox News O'Rielly video clip of a news report from Fox News chief political correspondant:
Palin’s own Troopergate investigation clears her
In a result that will surprise nobody, the Alaska State Personnel Board’s Troopergate report has been released, and it clears Palin of any wrongdoing. The three members of the Personnel Board are appointed by Palin. In fact, Palin initiated this investigation by filing an ethics complaint against herself.
These results directly contradict the findings from the bipartisan investigation conducted by the Alaska state legislature, which found that Palin violated state law and had committed serious ethics violations.
Wow...she sure knows how to work the system in Alaska!
Those of us who hoped that we had heard the last from Gov. Palin (at least until the next presidential election) were disappointed when she went on the warpath this week against the media for what she called inaccurate reports about her daughter Bristol.
But when the media mentioned that Bristol is still not married to the baby’s father, Levi Johnston, and that both of them dropped out of high school, Palin went ballistic, calling up People Magazine, the Associated Press, and the Anchorage Daily News. Palin is claiming that Bristol and Levi are not high school dropouts, because they both plan on finishing up high school at some point in the future.
I guess that means that I can start claiming that I’m a doctor because I plan to go to medical school. The simple truth is that both Levi and Bristol dropped out of high school. Levi even started work as an electrical apprentice. He is enrolled in a correspondence program to get his GED, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a dropout. It really isn’t a big deal, and I sincerely hope that they get their high school degrees as soon as possible.
But what’s ironic is that by making a fuss about it, Palin has again shown that she is a disaster dealing with the media. What would have been a largely ignored detail is now a big story, because she made it one.
It probably wouldn’t even have been mentioned in the first place if Palin wasn’t so vocal about “family values”. When someone with a “holier than thou” attitude ends up with an out-of-wedlock grandson born to parents who dropped out of high school, of course it is going to be mentioned in the media. Attacking the media for the report is just stupid. And fighting back by claiming that they are not high school dropouts shows only that you have a tenuous grasp of the truth. But I guess all this talk deflected from the fact that they still aren't married. Does that make the poor kid a bastard!
"If [Hillary Clinton] gets a race against John Edwards and Barack Obama, she's going to be the nominee. Gore is the only threat to her ... Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single democratic primary. I'll predict that right now," - Bill Kristol, the man behind Sarah Palin, December 17, 2006.
I can't add any more to this one. She sure knows how to picj sharp people!
Not many would've predicted this outcome. I certainly don't fault anyone for those words.
Sadly, everyone I spoke with about the election didn't think America would elect an African-American. I'm happy that we've actually moved beyond this. I just wish he was a Republican.
Why not wish that he does a good job for our country rather than wish he was a republican? One has nothing to do with the other.
I was kind of joking. Maybe I should have put a smiley face after it :-)
I do wish him well and hope that he does a good job regardless of his affiliation.
The only bone I have to pick with him that won't go away (even if he saves America like everyone hopes) is to do with abortion.
If he can fix the economy...more power to him.
I'll never fully respect him, though...not if he makes abortion easier.
Abortion won't change one way or the other as a result of anyone's doing. It is what it is and the right will continue to use it to fire up their base. It is the only reason Palin was pulled into the process. Gun control and gay rights just added bonus points. They were hoping no one knew enough about her. As it turns out, she didn't know enough...
And she want's to be president? Grow some thicker skin along with brains. Move on already!! Read on:
Sarah Palin is up on YouTube criticizing the media, in a video that's due to be part of a documentary called Media Malpractice ... How Obama Got Elected.
In a Jan. 5 interview with filmmaker John Ziegler, the Alaska governor and former vice presidential candidate castigates the media for relying on "unnamed bloggers" for news and says she's still being asked if she's really Trigg's mother.
Palin also says she doesn't understand why aides to nominee John McCain gave CBS's Katie Couric more time after the first portion of the interview. "I knew it didn't go well the first day and then we gave her a couple of segments after that ... Why were we going to go back for more?" Not wise, she says. The news media didn't treat her fairly, John McCain's presidential aides didn't make smart decisions (particularly when they pushed her to do additional interviews with CBS News' Katie Couric) and both sexism and a "class issue" may have been behind the scrutiny she got, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says in an interview she's done for an upcoming documentary.
Palin decries media treatment of her daughter Bristol ("it kills me") and also says she'll be keeping tabs on media treatment of Caroline Kennedy as she tries to become a New York senator.
"As we watch that, we will perhaps be able to prove there is a class issue here also that was such a factor in the scrutiny of my candidacy versus what the scrutiny of her candidacy may be."
All the same, she says, "I would do it again ... knowing that there is great need in our country for reform."
Well, I hear she has formed a PAC for the next election. Maybe she can win and save us all from Obama while she keeps an eye on Russia. Oh, wait, if she wasn't in Alaska, who would watch the Ruskies for us? We need her there!!!!
Did you know this? We have a brand-new Miss America, Katie Stam, from Indiana. They choose Miss America based on personality, how the young woman looks in a swimsuit, and how she looks in evening gowns. That is the competition. It’s the same way that John McCain chooses a running mate.” -David Letterman
Good one :-)
I do love the late night talk shows...they're usually hard on both sides. Maybe they, and SNL, were a little tougher on the Republicans this time around, though!
They earned it. Just look around at the mess they left us with and constrast that with how things were 8
years ago.
That's what we call "the calm before the storm".
The storm was coming. George Bush was just the unfortunate sucker who was in office when decades of built up problems fell apart.
Let's see, Bill was in office for part of a decade...that left GW Sr. and Reagen to cover the decades prior?
The republican machine has brainwashed you so you can't see logic. We'll get a few folks together for an intervention.
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