Timothy Geithner, Obama's pick to run the Treasury Department appears to have some difficulty keeping his own finances on the up and up. According to MSNBC, Geithner neglected to pay $34 thousand in taxes between 2001 and 2004.
Obama announced his choice for Geithner's position in November, but had investigated and discovered the issue. The issue was disclosed to senators on Dec. 5, however the problem is being chalked up to an unintentional error.
Not surprisingly, supporters of Geithner insist the mistake is common. however, some tax experts disagree.
Reports from MSNBC state that, "Tom Ochsenschlager, vice president of tax for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, said it would be difficult for someone preparing a tax return for a self-employed person to skip the Social Security and Medicare tax lines."
Additionally, Geithner is being question about his housekeeper who he neglected to get an I-9 form from which verifies the legality of an immigrant employee to legally work in the U.S.
Yet again, Geithner claims not to have known that the housekeeper he employed in 2004 and 2005 didn't have the proper documentation. All things considered, perhaps he should've hired an American citizen. Following complaints of jobs being shipped overseas, his decision in hiring an illegal immigrant is particularly unsettling.
Certainly, Obama was bound to run into a few glitches in picking his cabinet. Finding honest and upstanding politicians to work with is a tall order for any president.
The irony of this particular misstep is that the man appointed to run the Treasury Department struggles to run his own household in accordance with the law.
It may be wise for Geithner to take a page from New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson's book and withdraw his name. With the amount of financial issues currently facing our country, hiring Geithner to run the Treasury Department would be like hiring Michael Jackson to run a daycare. Bad idea.
I'm not sure it is a scandal yet; there's been no coverup of the news.
I do agree he should follow Richardson's lead.
One bad apple with all this ain't so bad. And it is a tall order to find honesty among theives!
"...in the Making"
I'm anticipating scandal in the future from a man who has too many unintentional errors for my taste.
Is this the closest we've ever come to agreeing?
Sounds like full disclosur is the theme of the day so I'm not sure "...in the Making" is entirely accurate - but I won't get technical.
It gets even scary-er. It apprears the republicans deciding on this confirmation aren't taking issue with the situation and are still ready to confirm. What is going on? Is government crossing the isles?
I know! What the heck is going on? Obviously, this is speculation, but I think maybe he's a well-liked and respected guy (otherwise). It seems everyone is willing to look the other way. Oh, except CNBC's Jim Cramer.
"If Tim Geithner ... gets a top spot in Barack Obama's cabinet we are done, finished, kaput. It is that simple," — CNBC commentator Jim Cramer
Cramer is considered the golden boy of the financial market...even having the phrase "the Cramer effect" coined on his behalf. When Cramer speaks, people listen and stocks are severely affected by his advice.
""...in the Making"
I'm anticipating scandal in the future from a man who has too many unintentional errors for my taste."
So, still waiting on that scandal to erupt!
He's in - it's over!
It's far from over. I just hope he handles this position better than he handled his own household.
If he doesn't you have republicans to blame just as much as democrats. This was clearly a bipartisan confirmation.
I'm sorry, doesn't Obama choose his own cabinet?
If Obama accidentally ran his dog over, you'd blame the makers of his car.
You have to give him responsibility for SOMETHING.
Did you not read what I just wrote? Here it is again:
If he doesn't you have republicans to blame just as much as democrats. This was clearly a bipartisan confirmation.
See, I said both parties to blame. You are too quick to attack!! Be nice and be factual :-)
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