It finally becomes clear as to his motives for the hasty order to close Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay was a bargaining chip that he pointed to as proof that the U.S. is committed to backing down and playing nice.
Admittedly, asking nicely is not an approach the U.S. has yet taken with opponents of what MSNBC is now calling the "war on terror". Additionally, he assured listeners that his pledge to withdraw troops in Iraq would be kept.
"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama stated.
Perhaps there is no harm in testing this tactic. He has earned a chance to exercise his ideology. If Barack Obama can actually reason with adversaries of the U.S., he may be able to build support against terrorists and earn the praise that many Americans have prematurely given him.
However, if Obama's approach fails to reach opponents of U.S. principles and actions, our only hope is that he has a Plan B that includes defense and continued force, if necessary. Should he opt to back down, bring the troops home, and put 9/11 behind us, he may indeed be inviting further attacks on American soil.
-Courage is not the lack of fear but the
ability to face it- Lt. John B. Putnam Jr. (1921-1944)
Well, we've certainly done a good job of making them hate us so what we've been doing isn't working. This is a new approach that doesn't equate to crawling in a shell and hiding - like we've been doing. A good defense isn't always the best offense.
Hisham Melhem, the reporter who interviewed Obama for al-Arabiya. Melhem:
" the long run, [Obama] is telling the Muslim world that it's going to have a difficult time demonizing him. He's saying, "I'm willing to disagree with the people of the Muslim world respectfully." He was miffed and angry by Zawahiri and Bin Laden, the way they speak of him. And he jumped on it and dealt with it. There's a subtle shift here on how he looks at the war on al-Qaeda and the groups that collaborate with it. He doesn't put Hamas and Hezbollah in the same category as al-Qaeda. Is there going to be disappointment later? We're bound to have disappointments, but the main message is that a new wind is blowing. He's closing down Guantanamo, sending Mitchell, pulling out of Iraq, and maybe I'm dreaming but I hope he would show Palestinians and Israelis tough love, both of them. Do you want to tell me that Bin Laden and all these nuts are not going to be nervous about him?"
Hisham Melhem, the reporter who interviewed Obama for al-Arabiya. Melhem:
" the long run, [Obama] is telling the Muslim world that it's going to have a difficult time demonizing him. He's saying, "I'm willing to disagree with the people of the Muslim world respectfully." He was miffed and angry by Zawahiri and Bin Laden, the way they speak of him. And he jumped on it and dealt with it. There's a subtle shift here on how he looks at the war on al-Qaeda and the groups that collaborate with it. He doesn't put Hamas and Hezbollah in the same category as al-Qaeda. Is there going to be disappointment later? We're bound to have disappointments, but the main message is that a new wind is blowing. He's closing down Guantanamo, sending Mitchell, pulling out of Iraq, and maybe I'm dreaming but I hope he would show Palestinians and Israelis tough love, both of them. Do you want to tell me that Bin Laden and all these nuts are not going to be nervous about him?"
This probably wouldn't have happened under Bushchen...
According to a report from ABC News, President Obama is not taking kindly to corporate greed, especially when it's funded by taxpayer money. Read more from ABC here:
The high-flying execs at Citigroup caved under pressure from President Obama and decided today to abandon plans for a luxurious new $50 million corporate jet from France...
ABC News has learned that Monday officials of the Obama administration called Citigroup about the company's new $50 million corporate jet and told execs to "fix it."
Hey, I'm willing to give him a chance (not without a critical eye, of course).
His success means our success. I don't hate him because he's a Democrat, I distrust him because he's been so wishy-washy thus far in his short political career.
If he can bring countries together and keep America safe, I will be in debt to him. If he tries to be diplomatic, it doesn't work and he gets us blown up...I may be a little ticked.
Wishy-washy? Bet you didn't give that critical eye to his predessesor. You certainly didn't give it to Palin!!
And you'd rather have King George and prince Dick deciding with no curiousity and then living with a head-in-the-sand mentality? I think you need to back up the wishy-washy claim with a little evidence that he is more that way than any other politician. You can't have it both ways like when you bust on him for fullfilling other campaign promises.
You are so worried about getting blown up!! Get over it.
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