U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., ("Independent" generally being a synonym for Democrat) has written a letter to the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery in regards to Bush's portrait and the verbiage accompanying it.
The text currently reads that Bush's time in office was "marked by a series of catastrophic event" including the "the attacks on September 11, 2001, that led to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."
Sanders is among many who vehemently disagree that the war is, in any way, related to the attacks of 9/11. He has gone so far as to request that the Smithsonian revise the text.
To disagree with the handling of the war following the invasion is one thing, but to boldly suggest that 9/11 was not the driving force behind sending our troops into the Middle East is pure ignorance.
Hillary Clinton and John Edwards voted to invade; even stating concerns that Saddam Hussein was a dangerous man who would likely provide terrorists the means to bring further harm to America.
Once the war became long, drawn out and unpopular; one by one, supporters of the invasion backpedalled in an attempt to appease their constituents.
Had terrorists originating from the Middle East not violently killed 2,752 Americans, it is unlikely that this war would've begun.
The axe Sanders has to grind with Bush is evident. What appears to be an issue of principle on the part of Sanders is really just one last shot at a president who worked hard to keep the same Americans safe who not only detest his administration, but the man himself.
It's plausible that Sanders is seeking a little publicity or is looking to jump on the "I hate George Bush" bandwagon one last time before inauguration day. However, there is nothing remarkable about Bush-bashing. It's just about the easiest and most palpable way to solicit applause.
Bush earned everything he got. And Bush-bashing it quite easy to do because he makes it so easy.
If the intelligence agencies collaborated for the common good of the country 9/11 would have been prevented. If these same agencies, once again collaborated for the common good of the country, they would have told Bush-Chen the truth: there were no WMD in Iraq. Instead, they feed the dynamic duo’s need to finish what daddy didn’t finish. And they lied to the American people and to all the leaders responsible for approving the decision to go to war to protect America.
Afghanistan is where the terrorists were hiding out which is why we went there first. And now we are back there again to finish what wasn’t finished. Supposed WMD was the driving force for us to invade Iraq, not terrorists. Never once were the terrorists a selling point for invading Iraq; that came after no one could find the WMDs.
It’s unfortunate that one of the casualties of this silly war was Colin Powell. He would have made a great first black president – or for that matter just a great president.
If our international goal is to topple dictatorships there are many other countries we could invade. Iraq was chosen for oil and so Cheney could have Haliburton rebuild it. That’s part of the reason one of the smallest countries just opened one of the largest embassy buildings in the world. Based on what I’ve seen the US embassy in Iraq is larger that NATO headquarters in NY.
The deficit is higher when it was non-existent.
We’ve spent trillions so far in Iraq with more to go.
We haven’t captured OBL.
Health care costs are through the roof.
Lack of effective oversight on the banking industry brought the housing market to its knees.
I could go on. This is the legacy.
I, too, (could) have been on the lookout for terrorists and have been vigilant. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped an action from happening. In fact, the very notion that I (could) have been so vigilant and changed so many things about my life means the terrorists have won. That is their goal and why the term “terror”-ist is used.
1/20/2009 is the date to celebrate the end of the Bush-Chen era. The wicked witch is dead. Long live the king. High-fives all around.
Ooooh, I have to go to work, but I'm not finished.
A snotty response to come...
From Leanoard Pitts, Jr. column in today's Free Press: What not to say if you are a Muslim
Today's column is presented as a public service for Muslim readers. Call it a list of "Things Not to Say If You Are Muslim."
The need for such a list is illustrated by a New Year's Day incident at Washington's Reagan National Airport. An AirTran Airways flight was delayed two hours and a group of nine Muslims -- eight family members and a friend -- was refused permission to fly after two teenage girls overheard a member of the group say that sitting near the engines would be particularly unsafe in the event of an accident.
The girls told their parents, who told flight attendants. Next thing you know, 104 passengers are cooling their heels as the plane and all its baggage are rechecked by security officials. Even after the plane was cleared to fly and the group -- eight of them native-born U.S. citizens -- was determined to be no threat, they were still not allowed back on the plane. They wound up paying for seats on another carrier. AirTran initially refused to apologize but quickly backtracked.
So there you have No. 1 on the list of "Things Not to Say If You Are Muslim": Do not say anything about air safety. Granted, that's a staple, albeit morbid, topic for skittish fliers the world over, but you are not "the world over." You are Muslims in America, post Sept. 11. You may not discuss air safety. Not even to say, "For criminy sake, Malik, take your Valium and shut up; flying is perfectly safe." If you discuss air safety even to defend it, we will have to conclude that you are a terrorist.
This is a true story. It serves as a great example of how the terrorists win when we dramatically change our behavior.
I have my Kleenex ready...
In an interview with Jim Lehrer tonight that made me wonder what he is drinking, VP Cheney claims that Saddam Hussein worked with al-Qaeda, that the US did not torture, and that the collapsing economy was not his administration’s fault, but was caused by poor handling by previous presidents. When asked if he made any mistakes at all in the last 8 years, Cheney mentions only underestimating the psychological harm that Saddam had done to his own people.
He doesn’t mention any psychological harm that he, himself, might have suffered. Maybe he is working on an insanity defense?
Things that Bush did for us:
- After Hurricane Katrina President Bush kept our cities safe.
- After the October 2008 stock market correction there have been no Great Depressions.
- After Iraq and Afghanistan took a turn for the worse, President Bush kept us from losing any wars.
- After the District Attorney firing scandal, the outing of Valerie Plame and other scandals, President Bush restored integrity to government.
- After divisive elections President Bush united our country.
- After Abu Ghraib, President Bush reaffirmed America’s adherence to the Geneva Conventions and against torture.
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