During his tenure, George Bush prohibited U.S. dollars from backing international clinics that provide assistance for any abortion services.
Naturally, Bush's actions took heat from Planned Parenthood and he defended himself, saying, "It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortion or actively promote abortion."
In less than a week, Obama overturned that ruling so that America's hard earned tax dollars could assist in the demise of the internationally unborn.
In less than a week, Obama overturned that ruling so that America's hard earned tax dollars could assist in the demise of the internationally unborn.
Though he does support abortion, Obama has consistently stated that his intention is to reduce the number of abortions. This order is a direct contradiction of that statement and all but guarantees that more babies will be tortured and die at the hands of doctors and financial backing of American taxpayers.
Remove the poignant sensitivity of this issue. During this time of financial uncertainty and job loss, the funding of international abortions takes money from the hands of out-of-work Americans and puts it in the hands of international executioners.
This action is more likely the first of many favors Obama must repay to organizations who offered financial support to his lucrative campaign.
The real question is, how many other organizations does Obama owe his victory to?
I'm confused. Acording to the Washington Post:
"Lifting the Mexico City Policy would not permit U.S. tax dollars to be used for abortions, but it would allow funding to resume to groups that provide other services, including counseling about abortions. "
Women's health advocates:
"They are hoping to see cuts in funding for abstinence education, a pet project of Bush, and a restoration of funds for sex education and mothers' health.
Women's rights advocates say it robbed women of access to information about contraception, and forced those seeking to end unwanted pregnancies into dangerous illegal abortions."
That according to The Guardian.
The Sidney Morning Herald reorted:
"Mr Obama said the eight-year ban he lifted on Friday on US funding to family planning groups abroad that counselled abortion was "unnecessarily broad and unwarranted" and had become too politicised an issue.
"Shortly after he signed an executive order cancelling the restrictions, on the third full day of his presidency, Mr Obama said in a statement that the ban had "undermined efforts to promote safe and effective voluntary family planning in developing countries".
So you can make it sound like Obama is promoting abortions abroad and funding them as well; however, I wuld expect you to do nothing less to slant and skew this issue. It works both ways. You care more about the health of thr unborn than you do for the currently alive mothers.
Alive mothers have a voice, alive unborn do not. It's a matter of necessity, not "care".
MSNBC-So far, Obama's only real brush with issues that stoke partisan passions came when he revoked a ban on federal funding for international groups that provide or promote abortions.
CNN- President Obama struck down a rule Friday that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services.
Sorry, my friend, you are paying for abortions abroad and unfortunately, so am I.
Whatever - I have bigger things to worry about.
That's the point. It's not about you. It's about the saline-burned infant next to the headline of this entry.
How can that not bother you?
Your moral code boggles my mind and I weep for our future if more folks take your standpoint.
If you would like I can start sending photos or kids killed in genocide from several countries or photos of children still alive with missling armsm legs, etc. What are you doing for them? I know, you'll say you can only do so much. That's a cop out.
My moral code must be different. Just as you draw the line to purposefully avoid helping already alive children in other countries, I would rather stay out of the personal affairs of women's very personal decision and focus my efforts on preventing the need for an aboriton.
While that is a sad photo, I would be curious to know the circumstance along with the story behind the mother that felt the probably agonizing decision to abort her unborn child was less painfull than the alternative.
It seems like Obama owes the voters for being elected. I'm sure groups helped promote him but the voters untilmately decided.
Saying the legislation fulfills "one of the highest responsibilities we have; to ensure the health and well-being of our nation's children," President Obama this afternoon signed into law legislation expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program.
The action extends coverage to an additional 4 million children who don't have health insurance. About 7 million children are currently eligible. The Associated Press notes that:
The bill calls for spending an additional $32.8 billion. ... Lawmakers generated that revenue by raising the federal tobacco tax. ... The State Children's Health Insurance Program covers children in families that make too much for Medicaid, but struggle to buy private insurance. ...
"Opponents of the bill complain that the tobacco tax increase hits the poor the hardest. Many also took exception to expanding the program and Medicaid to children of newly arrived legal immigrants.
Former president Bush twice vetoed a similar spending increase in late 2007. There was little doubt Democrats had the votes to pass the measure once they decided to take it up again. Lawmakers made it a priority in 2009."
Bush wanted to stop abortions but apparently the big tobaco lobby gave him enough money not to raise taxes on their products so we could take care of the poor children already born? Hypocritical if you ask me. And don't give me crap about spending money on LEGAL aliens because we sure send enough money to other countries, like Iraq.
We already know that Obama plans to officially announce Joshua DuBois' appointment to be director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships tomorrow, as well as the unveiling of his newly-formed Presidential Advisory Council of the same name. But I'm told by a religious leader who will be part of the Council that the president also plans to lay out four priorities for the Council. They will include focusing on global poverty (not surprising), the impact of economic recovery plans on low-income Americans (ditto), the faith-based initiative (OF COURSE), and...abortion reduction.
Now that's interesting.
Obama hinted at this in the statement that accompanied his order rescinding the Mexico City policy: "It is time we end the politicization of this issue. In the coming weeks, my Administration will initiate a fresh conversation on family planning, working to find areas of common ground to best meet the needs of women and families at home and around the world." At the time, I heard a lot of scoffing from conservatives who read this as just talk. It seems, however, that the president is ready to move ahead on this issue more quickly than most people on either side expected.
Brazilian archbishop embroiled in abortion row after child's rape
CATHOLIC archbishop has sparked controversy in Brazil by saying the mother of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion on Wednesday following a rape is automatically excommunicated for allowing the procedure to go ahead.
Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho of Olinda and Recife also declared that according to canon law the doctor who performed the abortion is considered excommunicated, along with anyone else involved.
The child was raped by her stepfather, who has since admitted abusing her over the last three years. Abortion is generally illegal in Brazil but allowed in cases of rape or when the pregnancy endangers the mother’s life.
The child entered hospital in the northeastern city of Recife on Tuesday night, where she was given medication to interrupt the pregnancy, which doctors said was terminated by early Wednesday morning. She was pregnant with twins.
The archbishop’s statements have drawn condemnation from Brazilian politicians and caused disquiet among some theologians concerned by the difficulties raised by the case.
But Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho has denied media reports that he personally ordered the excommunications. “I simply recalled what is in church canon law. Excommunication is automatic for those who participate in an abortion. I did not excommunicate anyone, just remembered the church’s law which says they are automatically excommunicated,” he said.
Before the abortion was carried out the archdiocese’s lawyers threatened to charge the mother with homicide, citing the Brazilian constitution’s guarantee to the right to life.
The doctor who carried out the procedure has defended his actions. “If the pregnancy had continued, the damage would have been worse, being a high risk pregnancy. The risk would have been of death or at the very least that she would never have been able to become pregnant again,” Dr Olímpio Moraes told O Globo newspaper.
“There are two legal justifications for abortion envisioned by the law, which are rape and risk to life. She [the girl] falls within the two and, as a doctor, I could not let a girl of nine years be submitted to this suffering and even pay with her own life.”
But Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho has dismissed the fact that the abortion was legal under Brazilian law as irrelevant to the question of excommunication. “God’s law is above whatever human law. So when a human law is contrary to God’s law, this human law has no value,” he said.
The archbishop made clear that the excommunication did not extend to the young girl at the centre of the case. Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho is a leading member of the Brazilian Catholic Church’s conservative wing and a firm opponent of abortion which he calls a “silent holocaust”.
This article appears in the print edition of the Irish Times
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