Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wal-Mart Is Not The Devil

Despite what you may have heard, Wal-Mart is not evil. They do not hold séances in the meat department, I assure you.

Did they put "mom and pop" stores out of business? Yes. Do they make it difficult for other corporations to compete? Yes. Is this a horrid offense? No.
We are a society founded in the idea of capitalism and we cannot turn our backs on that ideal when it doesn't suit us and hope that we can stand behind it when it helps us thrive. Mom and pop stores do not employ thousands of American workers who may then go home, feed their children, and possibly even spend their hard earned Wal-Mart dollars at your place of business (thus, helping you thrive and continue the cycle).

First, let me speak to an offensive you are likely to put up; the foreign product argument. Ever checked your labels at Target? Not too many are made in the good old US of A. Next, the treatment of Wal-Mart employees here in the states. They seem very happy to me (actually, they're quite polite and pleasant in my town). If dissatisfied, Burger King is always hiring and who wouldn't jump at the chance to eat free whoppers?

So, if you are still irate about Wal-Mart's hold on America, buy stock in the company and make it your next shopping trip. You know the old saying, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Well, let me save you the suspense...you can't beat 'em.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Women Can Have Rights...and Class Too

People generally identify themselves with what they are most proud of in their life. Veterans may identify with their patriotism, scientists with their intellect, and feminists with their...vaginas?

Yes, it's the 15-year anniversary of the The Vagina Monologues, an award winning play devised to empower women.

For years our female ancestors fought to be heard and acknowledged as equal in intellect and ability. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't all that long ago that it was actually achieved. Women finally have the floor and are a force to be reckoned with.

What have we to show for the blood, sweat and tears of generations of strong women before us? A play that discusses our genitalia, menstruation, orgasms, lesbianism and masturbation. What's more, the show is paraded around the world, reaching college campuses and even churches.

This not to suggest that we should be ashamed of our bodies, but we needn't reduce ourselves to vulgarity to remind the world that we exist.

Something tells me that the women who fought so hard for our rights would scratch their heads and wonder what in the world we did with them.

Keep Your Laws off MY Body

Americans are fat. We get it.

In fact, New York City went as far as to ban trans fats from their restaurant menus back in 2006. Since then, other large cities such as Boston and San Francisco are proposing legislation to join the big crusade.

What's curious is that the very same people shouting "keep your laws off my body" when it comes to abortion appear to be completely comfortable with the government telling them what to do with their actual bodies.

I couldn't help but notice the hypocrisy of the situation and how people hide behind laws only when it suits them. If they genuinely wanted to make decisions about their body, this legislation would've thrown pro-choice Americans into a fit of rage.

So, this begs the question-is it freedom over their bodies that they are after or is Roe v. Wade just something pro-choicers hide behind so they can feel justified in killing their unborn?

The Rich get Richer...What's your Point?

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Well, that seems to be relatively true, but let's not be too hasty in assigning blame.

The press reports in depth on tax breaks the upper class have collected under the Bush Administration. How dare the government favor the upper class while the lower class struggles to make ends meet. We should all be treated the same. Equality for all men, right? Wrong.

The Internal Revenue Service's outline of the 2007 Federal Tax Rate Schedule reveals what many choose to ignore. Equality doesn't exist in our tax system, but it isn't the lower class that gets slighted. The rich is pulling the weight of the country. Not only do they pay dollar for dollar more than the middle or lower-class Americans, but more importantly they pay a higher percentage.

In essence, this means we financially punish the wealthy for their success. If America ever implemented a flat income tax, the economy would crumble faster than you can say...quit whining.

The wealthy not only own businesses that create jobs for the lower classes, but they hold the country above water economically.

So, the next time you want to scoff at a millionaire, shake their hand instead and thank them for their contribution to America.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Celebs in Politics-Thanks, but No Thanks

Celebrity endorsements didn't work for John Kerry and they're certainly not going to work for Barack Obama.

As you may recall, red carpet regulars turned out in droves to support Kerry in 2004. Celebs ranging from Ben Affleck to the Black Eyed Peas stood behind Kerry in the battle for presidency. Though very talented, these folks are hardly qualified to advise Americans on serious decisions involving the economy, war and social issues.

As many know, Will.i.am has created a sensational video promoting Barack Obama. It is creative and inspiring by any standards, but celebrities walk a fine line when it comes to endorsements.

Who votes? According to the US Census Bureau, probably not the same people that are singing along about Fergie's "lovely lady lumps" as indicated in the Black Eyed Pea's hit song, "My Humps."

There is such a thing as bad press when you aren't paying attention to demographics. Certainly, political candidates appreciate donations from any and all supporters, but if celebrities are genuinely rooting for a candidate, perhaps they should just send a check.

GM Suffers Another Huge Loss-No Thanks to UAW

Last week GM announced yet another round of buyouts due to a reported $38.7 billion loss.

Greed has put American automakers in a compromising position. You can point to disloyal Americans buying foreign cars, but it boils down to the very foundation of this country.

Competition is good for the economy and the consumer. America is country that prides itself in a "free market". Consequently, you cannot wish away foreign companies simply because it may force Americans out of a job. There is only one thing we can do...compete.

Many blue-collar workers were pulling in $58 thousand per year. While providing this generous income, GM created a product that foreign car companies have all but eclipsed in quality and safety. Had they been able to compensate their employees based on work quality, as non-union companies do, they could've paid their workers a reasonable wage and put the remaining funds into building a more competitive product.

There is plenty of blame to go around for the decline of General Motors, but the UAW could've gone a long way to help the situation and the future of the company. Instead of holding out a hand and demanding more and more money, the UAW should have realized that the money tree would eventually die if no one watered it.

Ann Coulter-Someone Shut Her Up

At 47-years-old Ann Coulter has the attitude of a 90-year-old man in a nursing home saying inappropriate things because he's lost all of his inhibitions.

The problem is that she probably has 40 more years to bombard us with her painful
quotes that make any good Republican cringe and any Democrat delight in her idiocy.

If you can weed through the garbage that is her rhetoric, you may actually find some validity in her ideas. Let me rephrase, you may actually find some validity in her ideas if you are a Republican. Either way, she's liable to make your blood boil.

More recently, she's given us cause to wonder whether she's a actually a conservative at all. Why else would she
endorse Hillary Clinton and make so many ill-considered remarks while sporting a big sign on her forehead that claims she hates liberals?

Coulter is a crude woman who openly and immaturely offends all social groups that don't agree with her own. True, many conservatives share her views in that respect, however there is a necessary level of tolerance towards others that Coulter clearly lacks.

If Coulter truly wants to be of service to her political party, she'll change her ways or...just go away.