Sunday, February 17, 2008

Celebs in Politics-Thanks, but No Thanks

Celebrity endorsements didn't work for John Kerry and they're certainly not going to work for Barack Obama.

As you may recall, red carpet regulars turned out in droves to support Kerry in 2004. Celebs ranging from Ben Affleck to the Black Eyed Peas stood behind Kerry in the battle for presidency. Though very talented, these folks are hardly qualified to advise Americans on serious decisions involving the economy, war and social issues.

As many know, has created a sensational video promoting Barack Obama. It is creative and inspiring by any standards, but celebrities walk a fine line when it comes to endorsements.

Who votes? According to the US Census Bureau, probably not the same people that are singing along about Fergie's "lovely lady lumps" as indicated in the Black Eyed Pea's hit song, "My Humps."

There is such a thing as bad press when you aren't paying attention to demographics. Certainly, political candidates appreciate donations from any and all supporters, but if celebrities are genuinely rooting for a candidate, perhaps they should just send a check.

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