Monday, February 18, 2008

Women Can Have Rights...and Class Too

People generally identify themselves with what they are most proud of in their life. Veterans may identify with their patriotism, scientists with their intellect, and feminists with their...vaginas?

Yes, it's the 15-year anniversary of the The Vagina Monologues, an award winning play devised to empower women.

For years our female ancestors fought to be heard and acknowledged as equal in intellect and ability. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't all that long ago that it was actually achieved. Women finally have the floor and are a force to be reckoned with.

What have we to show for the blood, sweat and tears of generations of strong women before us? A play that discusses our genitalia, menstruation, orgasms, lesbianism and masturbation. What's more, the show is paraded around the world, reaching college campuses and even churches.

This not to suggest that we should be ashamed of our bodies, but we needn't reduce ourselves to vulgarity to remind the world that we exist.

Something tells me that the women who fought so hard for our rights would scratch their heads and wonder what in the world we did with them.


eileen said...

Well stated. It is sad that these women need to degrade and lower themselves to attain the desired attention to feel important. I suppose they wonder why they don't receive the "respect" they think they deserve.

Nora said...

I am embarassed and ashamed to admit that I saw the show years ago in Chicago with some friends. I was nauseated for days.

The most beautiful woman is the one who is totally at peace doing what she believes God intended her to do with her life.

It is only when society wakes from it's superficial slumber that woman will be appreciated for their true value.