Monday, February 18, 2008

Keep Your Laws off MY Body

Americans are fat. We get it.

In fact, New York City went as far as to ban trans fats from their restaurant menus back in 2006. Since then, other large cities such as Boston and San Francisco are proposing legislation to join the big crusade.

What's curious is that the very same people shouting "keep your laws off my body" when it comes to abortion appear to be completely comfortable with the government telling them what to do with their actual bodies.

I couldn't help but notice the hypocrisy of the situation and how people hide behind laws only when it suits them. If they genuinely wanted to make decisions about their body, this legislation would've thrown pro-choice Americans into a fit of rage.

So, this begs the question-is it freedom over their bodies that they are after or is Roe v. Wade just something pro-choicers hide behind so they can feel justified in killing their unborn?


Anonymous said...

This actually has more to do with offering healthy alternatives for dining than forcing people to eat certain things.

Sure, you can eat crap when you want but I would prefer to go out for dinner and not have to worry about poisoning my body. Even KFC, Wendy’s and McDonald’s decided to get rid of trans-fats from their restaurants – all with no government involvement!

Sorry but I don’t make the connection between Roe v. Wade and restaurant menus but keep trying!

Anonymous said...

They both have the government telling you what to do with your body. This entry makes perfect sense. It may just tick people off because it points out the hypocrisy of liberal lunatics who see nothing wrong with slaughtering their children and asking the government to protect their right to murder.
I'm pretty good about listening to other points of view...but in this case-I firmly stand by this analogy.

Anonymous said...

The government isn't telling me what to do with my body if I still have a choice.

You can still go to the grocery store and purchase a big old tub of margerine which is nothing but trans-fats and the government doesn't stop you. That's called choice. Plus, if you feed it to your kids you can kill them off the slow way.

With Roe v. Wade you don't even get to go to the grocery store. Big difference. That's not choice.

Anonymous said...

Good analogy. I am also amazed that people express no concern about their health when it comes to the use of birth control. They are alarmed when farmers use pesticides on produce and feed hormones and antibiotics to animals but they are not concerned about ingesting hormones and putting spermicides inside their bodies to hinder/halt the natural creation of a new life in their bodies. I guess health consciousness goes out the window when it comes to sexuality without responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Governments have told its citizens what to ingest for years – from the Chinese banning opium use to the U.S. banning marijuana (unless you’re toking up in Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Here’s the difference. Society has restricted self-abuse (including suicide) for hundred of years. However the killing of an unborn human (even during delivery) is not restricted in the U.S.

Don’t smoke during pregnancy, but if you “choose” to end your pregnancy by killing a human being – you can abort. (But please don’t have a cigarette, or a “Trans-fat” donut, after the abortion.)
